18 October 2006:
I was walking through the church parking lot on my way back from lunch today. I was interested, though not surprised, to see the multitude of bumper stickers on the parked cars with messages that mixed political and religious beliefs. Personally, I've never been a fan of bumper stickers, least of all the political ones. I tend to regard political opinions that can fit on a 3"x8" sticker to be rather simplistic, regardless of the issue being addressed.
The first one that I noticed actually wasn't a sticker at all but a magnet. It was in the shape of a ribbon, the same as those "Support The Troops" magnets that were abundant five years ago but have now seemed to have gone the way of antenna flags and Christina calibar. One half of it was blue and white with the pattern of the Israeli flag and the other half was orange. It read, "Support Israel, Fight Terrorism." This struck me as rather odd since I have observed that it was our support of Israel which gave birth to the Jihad and its terrorist methods in the first place.
The second one... what was the second one? Oh, yes. It read, "Harmony" or something like that and all the letters in the word were symbols from different religions. I liked that sticker. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, as if I had eaten a Furbie and washed it down with some vodka.
And the last one, (this one was the kicker!) it read, "When Jesus Said, 'Love Your Enemy' I Don't Think He Meant Kill Them." While I salute the creator of this sticker and those who would permanently affix it to the ass-end of their automobile for their snarkiness, it is, sadly, based on imbecility. Disregarding for the moment the paradoxical language used in this particular messianic quote (one is hardly your enemy if you love them), I think we can assume the message of this sticker is that we should all follow the example of Jesus and love even those who want to do us harm.
And what became of the One who presumably said we should love our enemies? You know what happened to him. He was betrayed, captured, bound in restraints, paraded through the city while people spat on him and bludgeoned him with fruits, vegetables, and big fucking rocks, nailed to a piece of wood, and finally lanced in the gut. Now, no offense to Jesus, but I'm not going out like that. Maybe it all seems worth it to some of you who believe that strongly in pacifism and feel like you have something to prove, but I'm in no way inclined to try to upstage the Savior. Personally, if a bunch of bastards tried that shit on me, I'd prefer to shoot them all in the face with a large caliber weapon, thank Jesus for dying for my sins, go home and have a nice frosty beer. I believe that's what God would want me to do.
I think that would make a much better bumper sticker:

Oh, no! It's the Mugato!

No, not Mugatu...