27 May 2005:
R2-D2: Tweet tweet, beep boo boop boo boop!
C-3P0: Yes, I did see the new Star Wars movie, Artoo.
R2-D2: Tweet bee boo boop boo boop!
C-3P0: No, they didn't give me a penis in this one either!
R2-D2: Bee twee boo boo beep!
C-3P0: Oh, you have a joke, Artoo?
R2-D2: Boop bee tweet boo bee!
C-3P0: I give up. What IS the hardest thing to find in the universe?
R2-D2: Beep boo boop boo bee!
C-3P0: Mark Hamill's career? Oh, Artoo!
R2-D2: Bee, beep tweet boop bee!
C-3P0: Yes, Darth Vader's helmet DOES look very shiny today.
R2-D2: Beep boo boop boo beep!
C-3P0: No, it's NOT because Princess Leia buffed his helmet!
R2-D2: Tweet twee beep boo boo beep!
C-3P0: You just saw Princess Leia naked in the shower!
R2-D2: Bee tweet bee boop twee boot beep!
C-3P0: She does NOT look like she has a wookiee in a leg lock!
R2-D2: Twee bee boo boop bee boo boop!
C-3P0: Artoo, Yoda is a Jedi Master. Don't refer to him as "that green scrotum with

It seems like every time I come home there's someone in my new neighbor's yard doing the landscaping. The fact that they actually PAY someone to do the landscaping for a half-acre piece of property is bad enough, but do they really need leafblowers and riding lawnmowers to take care of it. And every single day?! Watching the landscapers trying to unload that mower from their truck in that tiny plot of land is like watching five NBA All-Stars trying to switch seats in a Volkswagen Jetta.
And of course, there's the gravel bed driveway. Ahhhhhhh... the gravel bed driveway. The mark of true New England landscaping genius. The ultimate triumph of shortsightedness and money over practicality. Yes, they're nice to look at. And yes, I'm sure they're nice to have in Orange County, California. But not in New England. Why? Have you ever tried to plow a gravel bed driveway in the winter? Or even snowblow or shovel it? I wonder how many of these people who insisted on having a gravel bed driveway for their New England homes and are too rich to clear it themselves have themselves wondered why their driveway turns into a sheet of ice after it's been plowed, snowblowed, or shoveled. Silly, silly people.
A young Australian girl was convicted in Indonesia for trafficking 9 lbs of marijuana and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Not that I'm opposed to punishing drug traffickers, but I feel that the sentence should reflect the crime. Traffickers are a far lesser evil than the suppliers and shouldn't be sentenced to 20 years in prison. And even that sentence was an act of mercy considering that the punishment on the books in Indonesia is the death penalty. Death for trafficking weed? Treason? Maybe. Weed? No. Also consider that the very same court sentenced a Muslim cleric convicted for involvement in the Bali bombing that killed 202 people to 30 months in prison. I guess Indonesia leads the way in "The War on Drugs" but straggles in "The War on Terror". I suppose they feel that little girls trafficking weed is more of a threat to their society than your average terrorist.
I guess those Israeli soldiers REALLY like to watch soccer. But that's the kind of discipline you can expect from a military force drafted from the fanatic population of a religious state. I don't really see what the uproar is all about? Their presence in the West Bank is illegal whether they're breaking into the homes of non-combatants to watch soccer or not.
I've got so many bandages on my hand that it looks like I've been in a knife fight!
I'm glad that the thunderstorm held off until I finished with work!
"Jolly good show, Major!"
"I'm sorry, Sir! I thought you were an enemy!"
"Well, I'm an American if that's what you mean."
What a wookiee...